The Turnaround Story of Indian Railways (Marathi) - द टर्नअराउंड स्टोरी ऑफ इंडियन रेल्वे
द टर्नअराउंड स्टोरी ऑफ इंडियन रेल्वे
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Summary of the Book
The author is already famous as the man who filed a Public Interest Litigation questioning the purchase of a 140 tonnes Rail crane. However, it must be mentioned that Vivek Khare has been a political and social activist for over thirty years now. The book takes readers to the entire course of events; from the history and beginnings of the Indian Railways to the days where the Indian Railways faced bankruptcy. Khare elucidates with interesting details the story of the Railways’ incredible turnaround to a profit making organization and also discusses the challenges ahead. As the architect of this change, Lalu Prasad Yadav led the Railways to a point where, in the last four years, it has earned over 40,000 crores. Interestingly, the author does not restrict the book to this. He gives readers rare tit-bits about allied topics, even comparing our rail systems with the Rails of other countries, thus creating a well rounded picture and very engaging account of one of the most enduring of Indian institutions.
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