Book Review
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Patankar Harshavardhan Ram - Satara

Very good book.........
Devising Kisan Girase

I want this book how to I get this wonderful book
Pratap Jain - Jalana

I have read this book; it is very nice
prerana jain - nagapur
07 Jan 2014 05 30 AM

One of the best book for jain youth and students
Lalchand Muttha - Pune
06 Aug 2014 05 30 AM

How can i get other books written by Honorable Dr Subhachandra Akkole, I am very much interested to read his writtings. his writtings are proud for me and hole jain community.
Yogesh Chandurkar - Nagapur
06 Aug 2014 05 30 AM

this book will really help to all students of jain religion and its study
Nandu Nahar - Pune
06 Aug 2014 05 30 AM

One of the best book on Marathi Jain Sahitya Parampa... Good Work
Lalchand Shah - Baramati
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

worth while reading material on jain religion
Bhimsen Radhu Supale - Indapur
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

Old is Gold ----- Like this ---- Prachin Marathi Jain Sahitya is very unique book...
Saniya Pathan - Akola
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

best book.... very one must keep for their personal collection,,,, they may be jain or non-jain but each and every one who have interest in marathi literature they must read and keep this free book for their personal collection
D N Sonavane - Pune
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

Good Work ...
Shyam Patil
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

नुकतेच ई बुक स्वरुपात प्रकाशित सालेली काही पुस्तके पहिली त्यात आमचे जयसिंगपूर महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य डॉ अक्कोळे यांनी लिहिलेले प्राचीन मराठी जैन साहित्य हे पुस्तक वाचायला घेतले, पण हा विषय खूप मोठ्ठा व समजायला थडा अवघड आहे, त्यामुळे कदाचित मला काही आठवडे लागतील असे वाटते. पण प्राचार्य आक्कोले यांच्या पुस्तकाचे ई बुक करून त्यांचे महान वीच्यर आमच्या सारख्या दूरवर असलेल्या पण कधी काळी प्रचर्या अक्कोळे यांच्या सानिद्ध्यात राहणं-या लोकांसाठी खूप प्रेरानादाई आहे. सदर पुस्तका बरोबरच त्यांचे इतर साहित्य जर ई बुक स्वरुपात उपलब्ध झाल्यास खूप बरे होईल.
swayam kamble, sangli
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

माझ्या एका कवी मित्राच्या बरोबर दुधगावच्या संमेलनाला गेलो होतो, सकाळी प्राचीन मराठी जैन साहित्य आणि अन्य ई बुक्स चे प्रकाशन झाले, जैन साहित्या बद्दल अधिक जाणून घेण्यासाठी डॉ सुभाषचंद्र अक्कोळे यांचे पुस्तक प्राचीन मराठी जैन साहित्य नुकतेच नजरेखालून घातले... हे पुस्तक मराठी जैन साहित्याचा आरसा आहे असे मला वाटते.
Sagar Sharma, Mumbai
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

wow!!!!! one of the best ever i have seen on Marathi jain sahitya... hopefully this will update may knowledge on jain sahitya
rajani sawant
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

i have downloded the book and i shall give my comment after readding
Mahendra Shaha - Baramati (pune)
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

it was very nice to read a book written by Dr. Akkole, it is a proud for me that he was my teacher at Baramti. by reading his valuable book all my good memories about him, i have recollected.... his book is very nice
Jindatta Yashwant Patil - Pune
06 Mar 2014 05 30 AM

One of the best book of Marathi Jain Sahitya written by Dr Subhashchandra Akkole... every jain writter who are writting in marathi or writting on jain sahity must read this unique book.
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