Inner Ninety Hidden Infinity The Secret of Staying at the Peak of Success - Inner Ninety Hidden Infinity The Secret of Staying at the Peak of Success
Inner Ninety Hidden Infinity
The Secret of Staying at the Peak of Success
Author: Sirshree 
Category: Informative
Pages: 224
Binding: Paperback
ISBN10: 8184150369
ISBN13: 9788184150360
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Summary of the Book
What is the secret of getting on top and more importantly staying on top? The answer lies primarily in your foundation, the Inner Ninety percent. Whatever you may call this Inner ninety, as character or integrity or qualities, there lies the secret for continued success.

The remaining 10%, i.e. the external appearance, has very little impact, which has been referred to as the Top10 in this book. When your Inner90 becomes strong, the Top10 will automatically appear good to people.

How do you look at Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa today? As soon as you hear their names, you go beyond their body, straight to their roots. You appreciate their qualities and integrity. This is mans real wealth, which he must zealously guard, maintain and enhance.

What is important is that beyond the Inner90 and Top10, there lies a Hidden Infinity. One may call it as the Hidden Zero too. Zero or Infinity signifies the nothing with potential of everything. It is the infinite potential within man.

This Hidden Infinity is the hidden God inside man. With its help, man can reach the highest peak of life and experience fulfillment and eternal bliss. Thus this book reveals to you the secret of the trinity of Top10, Inner90 and Hidden Infinity.

The trinity of beauty, integrity and infinity shall help you to be instrumental for Mission Earth - the whole and sole purpose of being born on Earth.
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