श्री अमृतानुभव
सुलभ गद्य रुपांतर
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Summary of the Book
ShreeAmrutanubhav Sulabh gadya Rupantar literally ‘a straightforward prose translation of ShreeAmrutanubhav’ is a Marathi translation (96 pages) by 20th century saint-scholar Shree Keshavrao Deshmukh Maharaj of Shree Amrutanubhav a creation of 13th century saint-poet the Divine Shree Dnyaneshwar Maharaj (Mauli).

Shree Mauli, more famous for 'ShreeJnaneshwari' wrote 'Amrutanubhav' (or 'the experience nectar': nectar being the adjective for the 'experience') at the behest of his Sadguru Shree Nivruttinath Maharaj. If the Jnaneshwari is a guide to the road of salvation, Amrutanubhav is the divine savor of the journey itself. Edited by freedom-fighter, visionary-saint and philosopher, the late Shree Mamasaheb Deshpande, Amrutanubhav takes its readers on to a journey into Vedic Philosophy. Research scholars are in general agreement that though much more arcane, Amrutanibhav is a philosophically superior volume. It seems to capture the essence of the Vedas and is thus very popular among theorists and has been a subject of several critiques. Shree Mama thinks that the influence of the ancient writings of Yogavasishthya is clearly visible in this book. He claims that both books seem to share a common philosophy.

Amrutanubhav is the generosity of the affluence of Sadguru’s grace. Mysterious ancient philosophy immortalized in words. Shree Deshmukh Maharaj has thus performed a great service by translating this book into Marathi for all students of Vedic Philosophy.
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