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Summary of the Book
This book is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is not a book specifically for any particular religious group: neither Hindus nor Muslims; Christians nor Jews. This book is for all human beings.

The major question this book addresses is how one can gain access to the kingdom of God. Whether you are a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist or Jain, the concept of entering the kingdom of heaven applies. For instance, while Christians speak of entering the kingdom of heaven, certain Buddhists mention entering the “Pure Land.” If your spiritual practice includes chanting a mantra, austerity, or idol worship, perform these religious exercises with deep understanding. If you are meditating, praying, rendering service or giving donations, you are a devotee of God; all these paths can help you to reach the kingdom of God if they are done with understanding.

Jesus Christ was one of those spiritual leaders who guided people on the path of understanding. Two thousand years ago the Jewish people were ruled by the Roman empire; this was a time of great persecution and oppression for the Jews. Inequities between Jewish people and their Roman occupiers was evident everywhere. In that environment, people found a ray of hope in Jesus of Nazareth. A great spiritual liberator, Jesus showed people the path of true religion and taught them how to live in truth.

Jealous of the devotion the people showed for Jesus, some leaders of the Synagogue convinced the Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate to have him executed. His followers both then and now saw his death as a sacrifice; it still inspires believers today. Jesus showed himself a great spiritual teacher by praying and asking God to forgive those who were crucifying him. The birthday of this son of God is celebrated as Christmas.

People world over celebrate various festivals of various religions. In all of the festivals, precious messages and teachings are hidden. Every festival is a path for reaching the final goal of spiritual life: self-realization. It may it be the festival of Diwali (which celebrates the divine light within all of us). Or it may be the month of Ramadan, which teaches us patience and sacrifice. It may be the birthday of Gurunanak which points us to our inner treasure. Or it may be Christmas which reminds us of Jesus’ birth and of his teachings on love, peace and brotherhood.

The festivals of every religion indicate towards the same transcendent truth; only the names, words and rituals are different. Such festivals increase the level of consciousness among the people.

The rituals of all religions have their importance, but one needs to perform them with deep understanding to receive their full benefits. For example, if someone is fasting, he will realize a greater benefit if he understands that actually who is fasting? I or my body? Am I this body? Hunger for spiritual truth is as important as physical hunger.

Be it Lord Krishna, Rama, Jesus, Mohammad Paigambar or Gurunanak, all have spoken of the same truth in different words. Lord Krishna and the Buddha used the word “Dharma,” whereas Jesus said “Kingdom of God.” Religion is about our true nature, who we are at our core. The meanings of “Kingdom of God,” “Dharma,” and “Pure Land” are the same. Today, the different terms used in each religion causes religious conflicts and wars. Misguided people commit acts of violence in the name of the Temple, Jihad, Church and Gurudwara. It is therefore of the greatest importance that members of all religions gain a deep understanding about what does “religion” actually mean? When true understanding is gained, everyone’s level of consciousness will be raised, and violence in the name of religion will disappear. This book helps us all to gain access to the universal kingdom of God through understanding of religion and truth.
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