भारत के दो महान जीवन
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Summary of the Book
Bhagwan Mahavir:
When we are on a spiritual journey, we read and listen to spiritual wisdom. We find some words attractive, but we need to remember that words are like empty boxes. Some people get stuck in words as they take those words as literal truth. This is a serious mistake. One should grasp the meaning that the words are conveying. The words are like a candy stick which you need to throw away after eating the candy. Behind the words are the feelings and the understanding of the speaker or writer which he wants to convey. One needs to grasp those feelings and understand them. Lord Mahavira has given us some words, and told us to observe certain fasts. If we understand the true meaning behind those words, we will be able to cross the ocean of this illusory world. To understand the ultimate truth, people do many things: meditation, austerity, service, and so on. If all these are done without understanding, they remain incomplete.
When Lord Mahavira gave divine knowledge, along with his understanding he showed us the path of austerity and meditation for stabilizing the mind in non-violence. This book will help the reader understand the true meaning of the teachings of Lord Mahavir and inspire him along the path of truth.
Bhagwan Buddha:
This world is a strange and amazing place. People have different classes, attires, lifestyles and beliefs. Amongst them all, who is correct and who is not? Everyone feels that his own beliefs and practices are right. In this same world there are some people who don’t get thus entangled and become Buddhas—the awakened ones.
To break the hold of beliefs upon us, we need to develop our intellect. By skillfully developing our intellect, we can become intelligent and stabilized in the truth. When we use the mind and intellect in tandem, the highest possible development takes place. Lord Buddha did this, and became fully self-realized.
When Bhagwan Buddha attained self-realization, he provided three remedies for people. In this book, these remedies are explored from a contemporary point of view. Lord Buddha provided his remedies with balanced knowledge, depending upon the mind condition of the people he encountered in his time. Bhagwan Buddha talked about sorrow; hence some people wrongly consider Buddhism a negative religion. It is, in fact, a path to relieve suffering.
This book is unique. There are 15 chapters on the life & teachings of the Buddha and another 15 chapters on Mahavir. One can read one chapter a day for a month and complete the book. The benefits will be great.
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