Devising Kisan Girase
12 Jun 2014 05 30 AM
लेख वाचनीय व सुंदरच आहेत
Anand Lonkar
12 Jun 2014 05 30 AM
चिकित्सक वेध घेणारे वैचारिक लेख आणि भरगच्च वाचनीय साहित्य या अंकात आहे.
prerana jain - nagapur
Good work..
Baburav Chavare
07 Aug 2014 05 30 AM
best book, every one must read this book...
Laxman Sawant - Mumbai
07 Aug 2014 05 30 AM
खूपच चांगले पुस्तक आहे, प्रत्येक वाचकाला काही क्षण विचार करायला लावणारे सर्वांग सुंदर पुस्तक... लेखक डॉ बी. ए शिखरे यांचे अभिनंदन.
सुनंदना खोजे - अहमदनगर
07 Aug 2014 05 30 AM
देव बोलू लागलला हे पुस्तक खरोखरच खूप चांगले असून, प्रेरांदाई आहे. मला खात्री आहे अनेक वाचकांना हे वेगळ्या प्रकारचे पुस्तक नक्कीच आवडेल.
Mangesh Sagar Danave - Mumbai
06 Aug 2014 05 30 AM
As i have learned the author has writtn some other books... then if possible kindly make it avilable this all books in one place through ebooks.... so readers will enjoy dr shikhare's writting
06 Aug 2014 05 30 AM
Good work ... keep it up
Dr. Jatin James - IMA member Miraj
06 Aug 2014 05 30 AM
all the best to Dr B A Shikhare for this further writtings
Dr. Kumar Mane - Sangli
06 Aug 2014 05 30 AM
I had visited to 21st Martahi jain Shitya Sammelan at Dudhgaon, where there an announcement of 10 ebooks written by jain authors were made. among them Dev Bolu Lagala is one of the book. from the Sammelan place I had purchased all three book for Just Rupees 90 only. I found thet this books cost wise is very low but the content is very high. 1. Dev Bolu Lagala, 2. Vruddha Gharache Vaibhav, 3. Havishi is now in my personal collection and also i will refer this three books to my friends. I will download the ebooks soon the are avilable. i wish all the best to honorable author Dr B A shikhare.... good work, keep it up
Dr Sachin Bhave - Hyderabad
I have read one article written by Dr. B. A. Shikhare in Kavita Sagar Diwali issue 2013, that article was very nice, I liked his writing, I am waiting for the ebook of his another book "Dev Bolu Lagala".... I wish all the best to Dr. Shikhare...