बेमिसाल गुरु लाजवाब शिष्य
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Summary of the Book
From time immemorial, hundreds of topics have been debated and discussed regarding the relationship between a Guru and disciple. Thousands of books have been written on this topic as well, but it is rare to find material on how the Guru’s personality and that of his disciple tend to be a mirror of each other.
There have been many celebrated Guru/disciple pairings throughout history; when one is named, the other immediately leaps to mind. This book deals with two such pairs: Ramakrishna Paramahans and Swami Vivekananda, and Guru Nanak and Angad.
The relationship between Guru and disciple can be called a “bright” relationship. The Guru is the greatest donor and the disciple primarily the solicitor of truth. Here there is attraction on both sides; hence, the relationship becomes significant.
As a mother gives birth to a child, so the Guru shows a man the path for his life. Swami Vivekanand (then known as Narendra) wandered in search of truth or God. Ramakrishna Paramahans helped him to attain realization. After that, Vivekananda totally surrendered to his spiritual leadership. With the inspiration he received from Ramakrishna, he brought Indian culture into worldwide view; Indian civilization and religion opened up for the whole world. After the death of Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda started the Ramakrishna Mission in his memory. Through this mission many schools, hospitals and social organizations are still working for the benefit of humanity today. Swami Vivekananda is widely considered the peak of the temple of Indian consciousness, and Ramakrishna, the base of that temple. Without the teachings of Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda could not have proceeded on his path.
Another such pair is Guru Nanak and Angad. Guru Nanak strongly criticized the religious rituals being performed in his time. He held that the true meaning of religion was common to all people. Angad was Guru Nanak’s finest disciple. He used to obey the Guru’s commands with total devotion. Guru Nanak chose him as his successor among all his disciples; Angad proceeded to propagate the teachings of Guru Nanak after his master passed away.
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