Chetan BhagatKadambariNovelOne Indian GirlRupa & Co.Rupa & CompanyRupa And CompanyRupa Publication India Pvt. Ltd.कादंबरीचेतन भगतरुपा अँड कं.रुपा अँड कंपनीरुपा पब्लिकेशन इंडिया प्रा. लि.
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Summary of the Book
Hi, I am Radhika Mehta and I am getting married this week. I work at Goldman Sachs, an investment bank. Thank you for reading my story. However, let me warn you. You may not like me too much. One, I make a lot of money. Two, I have an opinion on everything. Three, I have had a boyfriend before. OK, maybe two. Now if all this was the case with a guy, one might be cool with it. But since I am a girl these three things I mentioned don’t really make me too likeable, do they?