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Summary of the Book
This brief book clarifies how the expectations and hopes of present generation has totally ruined and also the world is facing severe problems like pollution, global warming, terrorism, corruption etc. to the extent that human race is in danger of extinct from the earth and also that will bring the end of the world economic system in one night ending the whole world innear future. This book shows what will happen in future and Israel’s participation in International events, which proves the predictions in this book are true.The truth of future world is described by revealing the hidden secret verses in code language with relevant references from the very reliable prophecy book ‘The Bible’. As prophesied in the Bible : Israel will rejuvenate as a very powerful and strong nation towards the end of world,(Israel Rejuvenated in 1948 AD after 2500 years after her demolition by various enemies in the history, is one of them).
The book also describes Israel as a God’s ‘chosen’ nation and the key for end of world.The letters to friend ‘Ben’ in this book challenges Israel to accept God’s ancient plan for the world’s salvation and peace, from their own religious book –Torah or ‘The Old Testament’- which Israel so far denied. The book describes a very rational and logical link of events about the coming disaster in one night ending the world.This disaster is totally new and unpredictable, unexpected& never experienced in the past history. Though it seems impossible but after reading this book you will be convinced that it will definitely come in reality and is very acceptable which in itself proves its authenticity.
After describing the demolition of 1/3 population of the world in seven years of the calamities in the end processes of present world system; the book describes the dawn of New Era, which is very positive, rational and logical and acceptable. This new world emerged after salvation will be very graceful and happy. This good news of New World described in the Bible will be fruitful to those who believe in it. To know all these things each and every person on earth is advised to read this book; as every person, even a child in this world is going to suffer by the events described in this book.