Wings Of Poetry
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Summary of the Book
This compilation of thoughts put in prose and poetry. in english, marathi& Hindi, is mostly about what, a young individual goes throught when he's leaving behind youth and just crossing over the threshold toward adulthood. Responsibilities have changed, childeren are grown in- laws have aged and half of your own life is over. the want to balance work, home and at the same time, start living for yourself, takes one down a sea of emotions. emotions felt along the years gone by, which have developed you into the individual you are today.
the book tries to describe real life situations faced commonaly by all including love, anger, helpeness frustration, anxiety ,one- sided love etc.
This is my very First attempt and a very non - professional one too. this is written keeping an open mind and open heart with a feeling of trying to share what simple humans go throught in their lifetime.
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