My Friend the Fanatic Travels with a Radical Islamist - My Friend the Fanatic Travels with a Radical Islamist
My Friend the Fanatic
Travels with a Radical Islamist
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Summary of the Book
In October 2002, Sadanand Dhume found himself in a place most foreigners were trying to flee Bali. Powerful explosions the previous night had ripped through two tourist nightclubs, killing more than 200 people. That evening he visited what remained of the Sari Club and stood amongst piles of ash and blackened beer bottles, wondering about the future of a country long regarded as immune to such carnage. My Friend the Fanatic is a portrait of Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, painted through the travels of a pair of unlikely protagonists. Dhume is a foreign correspondent, a Princeton-educated Indian atheist with a fondness for John Updike and an interest in economic development. His companion, Herry Nourdi, is a young Islamist who hero-worships Osama bin Laden. Does Herry represent the future of Indonesia? By turns disturbing and funny, My Friend the Fanatic fulfills a deep hunger for knowledge about a fascinating land in a time of profound change. fluid, funny, and required reading for anyone interested in the future of Islam. - Suketu Mehta, author of Maximum City: Mumbai Lost and Found Guides the reader deftly through the whirlpool these [radical Islamist] currents have created Islam's future as a religion of peace and tolerance, or of hatred, violence and supremacy may well hinge upon Indonesia's destiny.- Wall Street Journal
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