पंचतंत्र - भाग २ (हिंदी)
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Summary of the Book
Panchatantra is perhaps the oldest collection of Indian fables still gaining strength and moving ahead. It is believed to have written around 200BC by the great Hindu Scholar Pandit Vishnu Sharma. Panchatantra means "the five principles”. It is a "Nitishastra" which means book of wise conduct in life. Panchatantra consists of five books: 1. Mitra Bhedha (The loss of friends); 2. Mitra Laabha (Gaining friends); 3. Kakolukiyam (Crows and owls); 4. Labdhap-ranasam (Loss of gains); and 5. Aparikshitakarakam (Ill-considered actions). The simple stories of Panchatantra have stood the test of time in the modern age of materialism, stressful living and individualism, and aim to guide the young readers on how to attain success in life by understanding human nature.
Key Features:
Written in simple and lucid language
Each story is supplemented by a moral
Word meaning for vocabulary building
Practice exercise given for better understanding   
Panchatantra is commonly available in an abridged form for children. It is an ideal book worth going through many times over. Honestly speaking, it is of far more practical importance for elders to read this book since it is they who always come in contact with people having good, doubtful or bad intensions and motives.
A must read for students of all age groups.

About The Author

B.V.Pattabhi Ram is a Magician and Hypnotist of high repute. He has travelled all over the world and won laurels from eminent personalities. He is the Secretary General of Bharat Magic Circle as well as the Director of Balanandam Magic & Hypnotism School, Hyderabad, which is the one and only school of its kind in the world. He is an honorary citizen and honarary member of the House of Representatives of Tennessee State, USA.
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