Marx's Concept of Man
Marx's Concept of Man
Author: Erich Fromm , Karl Marx 
Category: Informative
Publication: Bloomsbury India
Pages: 240
Binding: Paperback
ISBN10: 1472513959
ISBN13: 9781472513953
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Hard Copy Price: R 599 / $ 7.68
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Summary of the Book
In publishing Marx's Concept of Man in 1961, Erich Fromm presented to the English-speaking world for the first time Karl Marx's then recently discovered Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts.

Including the Manuscripts and many other philosophical writings by Marx as well as Fromm's own extended response, many of these writings have since become recognised as important works in their own right. Fromm stresses Marx's humanist philosophy and challenges both contemporary Western ignorance of Marx and Soviet corruptions of his work.

Fromm's analysis of Marx's work and his dissemination of these neglected writings by Marx himself fundamentally altered the prevailing discourse about Marxism, revolutionising contemporary thought and providing a formative influence for the development of the New Left.
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