Decoding Gita
Author: Amit Dravid 
Category: Religious, Spiritual
Publication: Amit Dravid
Pages: 124
Weight: 458 Gm
Binding: Paperback
ISBN13: 9789353910440
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Book Review
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Adv. Aditi Kasar
31 Jan 2020 01 42 PM

This is one of the best books I have ever read. Amit Dravid has authored Decoding Gita, a very compact ,concise and illustrative tabloid cum booklet synthesizing the basic philosophy behind the objective decision making. The book gives us the rationale behind the living. The author has studied all the available references and not only answered the FAQs but uncovered the essentials behind the dilemmas of decision making .He triggered the book as psyche input for modern generation with aim to bridge the cultural gap amongst the generations. Well aware that modern generation is having time constraint , the book is designed like staring at a glance within a single sitting . Touching to the basic taboos of our culture , the author made every endeavor to testify the taboos discovering their origins and how the corrupted ideas polluted the culture of the society. The book inspires the youngsters to have the rational , objective and reasoned outlook while facing the dilemma.
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