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Summary of the Book
(With VCD) - Aazadi Ka Aanand

Need is the mother of invention. When there is need, greater inventions become possible. The bigger the need, the bigger is the possibility. Every individual who is sensible, whose intellect is intact, has seven needs:

1) First need: Air, water and food
Air, water and food comprise the most elemental needs of a human being. Breathing is evidence that one is alive. When an infant is born, the first thing the doctor checks is whether it is breathing properly or not.
2) Second need : Security
Security for oneself and others is the second need of an individual. Human beings build homes to protect themselves from the elements.
3) Third need: Facilities, entertainment
Facilities and entertainment comprise the third level of human needs. When his food, shelter and security needs are met, an individual wants conveniences such as a TV, refrigerator, washing machine, air-conditioner, etc.
4) Fourth need: Love
When the basic needs and desires for conveniences are fulfilled, an individual thinks there should be someone who loves him. Hence he forms relationships; from these relationships he expects to get true love.
5) Fifth need: Name and fame
At this step, a person feels that his name should be known and his talents recognized. Even with the first four levels of needs satisfied, he still experiences a sense of incompleteness until he is known and his contribution is validated.
6) Sixth need: Utilization of inner powers
At this step, a person develops the understanding that he should fulfill his potential. He thinks, “Other people may or may not know me, but I should do what I am capable of. I should be able to open up all my possibilities.”
7) Seventh need: Self-realization, true freedom, ultimate success
At this point, a person is still not yet completely fulfilled. He feels that something is missing in his life. At this final step, he wants real freedom and everlasting happiness. This can be attained only by self-realization. This is ultimate success of human life.

There are relatively few people in this world who find this ultimate success; the kind that allows one complete freedom from failure. After reading this book you will experience this level of happiness and will join the ranks of those who acquire self-realization and true freedom.

We all celebrate our nation’s independence with great enthusiasm, but the following day, we tend to forget this. Depending on where we live, this happens once or twice a year; this freedom is limited to our country only. Now the time has come for us to think about our inner freedom. External freedom can be seen by all, but only a few people are aware of internal freedom. This book helps the reader to gain that special perspective. You need freedom from external things like violence, drugs, poverty, corruption, pollution, injustice, and other issues. You need freedom from your internal enemies as well!
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